Arozawato Zandroto

Board Member

Arozawato Zandroto (Aro) is a highly experienced finance and administration professional who has spent over two decades working for international non-government organizations. He has held senior positions such as finance and administration manager for renowned organizations like the International Committee of the Red Cross, Fauna & Flora International, and Plan International. Aro has also worked as a finance consultant for the DGB Bildungswerks Bund in Germany.

His expertise covers a wide range of areas, including financial and contract management, auditing, budgeting, project management, and operations management. He has a diverse set of skills, including risk-based management, HR strategies, taxation, and staff coaching.

And Aro has been actively involved with MeLEK for the past 5 years as its co-founder and chairman. MeLEK is a community organization that focuses on empowering marginalized individuals and families, including housewives and young people by providing education on financial planning and management.