Hariyo T. Wibisono
Hariyo T. Wibisono is a senior conservation practitioner having more than 25 years of professional experience. He holds a master’s degree in wildlife and fisheries conservation from the Department of Natural Resources Conservation, University of Massachusetts Amherst, and a PhD in wildlife ecology from the Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology, University of Delaware, US. He is the Director of SINTAS Indonesia and also serves the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance as a Research Fellow in Population Sustainability.
Dr. Wibisono main objective is to fill gaps of knowledge in large carnivore ecology, especially large cats. His research encompasses a wide range of questions concerning the ecology, behavior, and genetics of wild large cat populations, in response to anthropogenic factors; all to assist the Government of Indonesia, and conservation fellows to improve their conservation interventions. Dr. Wibisono is an active member of the IUCN SSC/Cat Specialist Group since 2008.
As a scientist, his skills and knowledge has been proven through his contribution as lead and co-author of several scientific publications in major peer-reviewed international journals (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hariyo_Wibisono/publications).