SINTAS Indonesia 2021 in Pictures

2021 is all wrapped…! We have a lot of experiences to be grateful for. Even if it’s been challenging year just like a year before because of pandemic, we continued to carry out our field activities together with our partners. What we’ve done and achieved this year were almost impossible without the support of our dedicated teams, partners, donors and local communities around the sites.
Sure we remain committed to continue what we’ve been doing in 2022 which also might be a surprising year too. As we finishing this year with good memories, we ready to facing more others in 2022. Here are some of the highlights from this year.
Happy new year Everyone!

Februari 2021
After attached the GPS collar on two and a half year female sumatran tiger on 16th december 2020, the tiger named as Ciuniang Nurantih is being released in Kerinci Seblat National Park on 28th Februari 2021. Ciuniang Nurantih was entered human settlement in Jorong Surantih, Lubuk Alung Village back on July 2020.


Maret 2021
At the beginning of the year, field team was removing camera traps had installed 45 days before in Talamau Mount, Pasaman Barat.

July 2021
On 5th and 6th of July, the training for The West Sumatera Natural Resource Conservation Agency (BKSDA Sumatera Barat) staff has been carried out successfully. The aim was for improving staff’s capability to analyze the preference habitat for releasing conflicted sumatran tigers.

We also managed the refreshment training for veterinary paramedics in West Sumatera whom involved human – tiger conflict mitigation.

At Babahrot, Southwest Aceh Regency, we Installed some camera traps for monitoring sumatran tigers. This is a collaboration project with Panthera and Forum Konservasi Leuser (FKL).

Agustus 2021
In collaboration with The West Sumatra Natural Resource Conservation Agency (BKSDA West Sumatra) we facilitated a meeting about human and tiger conflict mitigation. The participants are from six villages in Agam district, West Sumatera, where often have conflict. Upon completion of this meeting, participants supposed to be more aware about human-tiger conflict and also how to anticipate the human-tiger conflict.

Photo by Ocip Mahaputra (BKSDA Resort Agam)

September 2021
We have completed the installation of camera traps used for monitoring sumatran tigers.

October 2021
We continued to support the awareness program of BKSDA West Sumatra for local people from Baringin Village. After that, the BKSDA West Sumatra announced the establishment of PAGARI or Patroli Anak Nagari, a community-based patrol unit aimed to prevent and anticipate human – wildlife conflict.

December 2021
Map modelling training using maximum entropy on Dharmasraya Sumatran Tiger Rehabilitation Center (PR-HSD). After training session, we took a pleasure trip to Prof. Sumitro Djojohadikusumo Conservation Area (AK-PSD) Arsari.